Designed to give students the time and practice needed to integrate key literacy skills learned in class, as much as inculcate a love and habit of reading, DIL’s Libraries and Reading Program:
• Creates child-friendly library spaces at our schools, which are often the community's first exposure to library services.
• Involves students, teachers, and our own training department in selecting and reviewing each book for quality, readability (level of difficulty), content, and contextual relevance.
• Increases access to quality reading experiences through designated library periods, after-school reading clubs, book borrowing, and levelled e-books delivered via tablets to support reading development.
Today’s reader is tomorrow’s leader.
Read to Grow, Read to Know (RGRK)
In particular, as shown in this brochure, our Read to Grow, Read to Know (RGRK) program accelerates reading development and comprehension in English, a skill all children must master in order to succeed academically in Pakistan.
After using tablets off-line to read regularly for eight months, students made significant improvements in all areas assessed. One study showed that students’ average performance on key reading skills improved significantly:
• Familiar word reading skills increased by 117%
• Oral reading fluency rates increased by 138%
• Reading comprehension increased by 217%