Stories of Success
A Story of Compassion
Shumaila & Rozeena
One day, in the small Sindhi village of Larhi, two young sisters—Shumaila and Rozeena—suddenly stopped attending their local DIL school. At first their teachers and class-fellows were worried that the girls had taken ill, but the students soon learned that the sisters had been absent because Shumaila and Rozeena’s father was in poor health and too frail to work.
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A Story of Courage
Noor Fatima
A young lady who attends a DIL school in Janwri Goth, Sindh, Noor Fatima saw her family lose nearly everything they had in the August 2022 floods. A year later, she is ready to defy social expectations to get the education she deserves.
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A Time For Mettle
After 6 months of uncertainty, isolation, and illness brought on by the initial outbreak of the coronavirus, DIL students share not only how far they've come, but also their deepest fears and hopes as they look beyond crisis to the future.
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A Story of Discovery
Ali Zain
Ali Zain was always a timid boy, hesitant to do group activities and not nearly as fond of books as his class-fellows. His teachers and DIL NOWA Janwri Goth’s librarian had to coax him into staying in the story book section in lieu of hiding. It was no use, though, because when Ali did select a book, he would never get through more than a few pages.
A Story of Taking Wing
In the midst of a global plague that threatens to jeopardize children's education comes a uniquely inspiring TEDx talk. In "Fly, I Must," Afreen Mushtaq, a DIL graduate, explains how she nurtured her dreams in a world full of obstacles and challenges. Afreen’s journey took her from one of the world’s largest slums to the prestigious Institute of Business Administration (IBA) in Karachi.
A Story of Perseverance
Jawad Ali
Even though it’s been almost a year since the August 2022 cataclysm, young students like Jawad are working assiduously to restore quality of life, return to a proper home after months in a makeshift tent, and reintegrate into his family’s community.
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A Story of Conscience
Faiza Memon
In the rustic hamlet of Razal Memon in Khairpur, Sindh, many young girls have fought for their right to a quality education, defying feudal, socially conservative mores. Faiza Memon is one of five sisters whose father was routinely mocked by people in their village for failing to produce a male heir.
A Story of Becoming
Daksh Lal
When you meet 13-year-old DIL student Daksh Lal, his infectious smile masks the fear and dread of not knowing whether his family will eat the next day. He's seen the hardship his father, a day laborer, faces trying to earn their daily bread, making but $70 a month for a family of six.
A Story of Ambition
Shifa Naz
Through her grief, uncertainty, and fear, Shifa Naz never gave up on her dream of working in medicine. Click ‘Read More’ to watch Shifa tell her own story of ambition.
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A Story of Passion
Afshan Bhutto
A DIL school alumna of humble beginnings in Khairpur, Sindh, Afshan Bhutto showed grit and discipline in her journey to becoming a front-end developer in the IT Industry.
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